Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pictures are here!!

Carter had his pictures made when he was 13 days old....that was his first outing. And she did a SUPER job. I am in love with every picture! I had them made by Jennifer Knapp from Authentic Images. Her website is I worked at the daycare where her kids went a few years ago.

You can view the gallery at
*You will have to copy and paste the link...I don't remember how to do the fancy shmancy stuff! sorry :o)

I have copy/pasted a few of my faves. ENJOY!

This one is my absolute favorite!
I love this little frown! The only hint of a smile we could get is the one where my blog title is. He smiles all the time- but he just wouldn't do it for Jennifer that day. Stinky boys :0)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, he is soooooooooooo cute and tiny! It is so hard to remember Chloe being almost that tiny. Enjoy and cherish every moment!
I will definitely give you a call and I totally understand the being healthy. Let me know if Amanda decides to come before I call you.

SNM said...

Such a beautiful baby boy! He'll be a crazy 2 year old like Charlie before you know it! Enjoy your time with him. S